Hello from Norwich Connecticut! Gah! I am back in Connecticut for Fall! Woohooo!
So, this week has been a little (a little) bit crazy! With leaving Woostah and coming down here my brain is just everywhere!
Here are some of the cool things that have happened!
Oh! First! I should introduce my companion!
Sister G is from West Jordan, Utah! My first companion from Utah!
She is a dancer and she came out to the mission with Sister M!
She enjoys veggies as much as I do... i.e. not very much, she loves flowers as much as I do... i.e. we totally geek out about them together and she is just super cool!
Norwich is so great! The people here are wonderful and the work is on Fire!
-I packed all of my stuff on time. The nice thing about staying in one area is that you don't realize how much stuff you have accumulated... until you leave. O.o
-M GOT BAPTIZED! I wasn't able to be there but she was baptized on Friday! I am so happy for her and her family! She was an investigator that we had that dropped off of the face of the earth back in June and then showed up again when we decided to call her.
- I am remembering streets and directions and names! I was really worried but they seem to be coming to my remembrance. It probably is thanks to Sister G serving here and telling me about everyone that she loves who I now get to serve with. A guy with really long hair walks in and I turn to Sister G, "Is that Paul?" "How did you even know that?!"
-General Women's Conference was amazing. Just amazing.
Aha moments-
Here are a couple qoutes that I heard that I LOVE!
-Elder Holland to the New Haven Recent Converts, "Do not leave the church! When you are in a storm, you don't jump out of the boat! You let the storm pass while you hang on!"
-Have you all prepared questions to bring to conference? If not take some time this week to kneel down and ask Heavenly Father to answer the questions in your soul, the questions that if answered will help you grow and progress into who He wants you to be. I KNOW that God answers prayers and I know that he does that through His living Prophets and Apostles in General Conference and those who are no longer here with the Scriptures. God is good my friends.
Ahahaha Moments-
So I might as well make a list
-Elder Harmon said that I am going to be a Pinterest mom. Totally fine with that hahaha
-We went back to quickly buy Woostah shirts at the Historical museum.... they couldn't take cards, none of us had cash, and Sister S's checks were all gone... It was craziness.
-The Norwich Elders are Elder T(Cali) and Elder A(Utah)- and together we make up the Quadpanionship. We are super cool haha.
-Yesterday after Correlation with Brother V, our ward mission leader, he just goes, "and now a General Conference training video," and he turns his laptop around and starts playing the "Reese's Peanut Butter Cup How to" video with the apostles, and he hands us reese's. We were all so happy after eating a little chocolate and peanut butter after fasting.
-We got our new planners... and they are in Spanish. Because we are cool haha.
-Saturday was a pure help everyone in the ward move day. We were exhausted... so we ran inside and made 21 pieces of French Toast in 15 minutes for us and the elders who were making calls in the parking lot! We love French Toast.
Well guys! I hope that you all have a fantastic week! Don't forget to watch General Conference! I am so excited!
Be Good, You are all so loved!
Sister Alexander
Picture 1-That posture though... ahaha and all the french toast!
Picture 2-The Quadpanionship! Elder A is the one sitting down haha.